Staatstheater Nürnberg
Home > What's On > Stravinsky: Goecke/Montero


Stra­vins­ky: Goecke/​Mon­te­ro

Choreographies by Marco Goecke and Goyo Montero

Friday, 17/01/2025

08.00 PM - 09.50 PM


07.30 PM Introduction (in German)


Abo T, Abo T1, Abo T2


“Scènes de ballet” (World premiere) by Marco Goecke and “Firebird” (German premiere) by Goyo Montero

Music by Igor Stravinsky

The Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballett is once again devoting itself to the iconic music of avant-garde composer Igor Stravinsky. After “Thin Skin” (2019) and “Woke up Blind” (2021), Marco Goecke – with his distinctive and clearly identifiable handwriting – is deepening this work with a new creation: He is putting together the abstract dance suite “Scènes de ballet” from 1944. This makes Goecke the first top-tier German dance artist to tackle this seldom performed masterpiece, after the legendary Uwe Scholz. Goyo Montero’s “Firebird” – yet another monolith in his extensive oeuvre – was created with Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo in May 2023 as an extraordinarily acute interpretation of this major piece of ballet history from 1909. Montero’s version is a tale of love, betrayal and revenge. For his company in Nuremberg he adds further depth as a modern, critical fable of environmental disaster and the extermination of an entire people. General Music Director Roland Böer will direct for the Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballett for the first time and guide the Staatsphilharmonie through the two highly varied scores.

Uraufführung von Marco Goecke
„Scènes de ballet“ (1944) von Igor Strawinsky

Musikalische Leitung: Roland Böer
Choreografie, Inszenierung: Marco Goecke
Choreografische Assistenz: Ludovico Pace
Bühne, Kostüme: Michaela Springer
Lichtdesign: Udo Haberland

FIREBIRD (Deutsche Erstaufführung)
von Goyo Montero
„L'Oiseau de feu“ (Der Feuervogel, 1909) von Igor Strawinsky
Uraufführung: 28. Juni 2023, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, Grimaldi Forum Monaco (MCO)

Musikalische Leitung: Roland Böer
Choreografie, Inszenierung: Goyo Montero
Choreografische Assistenz: Gaetan Morlotti (Monte-Carlo), Beatriz Hack Canabal, Preston McBain
Bühne: Leticia Gañán, Curt Allen Wilmer
Kostüme: Salvador Mateu Andújar
Lichtdesign: Samuel Thery, Goyo Montero

> Note on sensitive content


DIGITAL Introduction (in German)

Online introduction

Dates and cast

Cast on 17/01/2025

Information on buying Tickets

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PHOTO(S) © Jesús Vallinas
Press reviews
Süddeutsche Zeitung

‘Goecke masterfully exposes the martial underbelly of the composition. Instead of illustrating lively runs of notes with filigree leaps, the dancers spin around their own axis like crazy projectiles. (...) Goyo Montero's ‘Firebird’ continues the thread of this apocalypse. (...) The impressively double-exposed ‘Stravinsky’ succeeds thanks to an outstanding, aesthetically versatile ensemble.’

Dorion Weickmann, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Nürnberger Nachrichten

‘The approaches of Goecke and Montero could not have been more different, in this difference the enormous range of dance and the high quality of the ballet of the Staatstheater unfolded, which presented itself at the peak of its artistic performance. (...) Böer and the Staatsphilharmonie keep the intensity of the music high, the dancers fascinate [in ‘Scènes de Ballett’] with the detailed systematisation of their movements. (...) The Firebird, danced confidently and with grandeur by Alisa Uzunova in the premiere, is the leader of a primitive people and transforms into an allegorical figure who ultimately takes revenge on his exploiters. (...) Much applause for Montero's contemporary interpretation criticising the exploitation of nature, and standing ovations for ‘Firebird’ at the end.

Thomas Heinold, Nürnberger Nachrichten

Bayerischer Rundfunk

"The double ballet evening is an exciting production and shows how differently Stravinsky's music can be interpreted. The Nuremberg ensemble demonstrates world-class standards. A captivating evening of dance, Stravinsky's ballet evening is originally realised here for the 21st century."

Susanne Schmiedleitner, Bayerischer Rundfunk


"Montero subjects his critique of civilisation to an aesthetic process in which the terrible becomes beautiful again in the end - the massive applause may indicate that the shock and the pleasure of the artistically presented analysis of extreme misguided developments in humanity are in balance. (...) In Goecke's Scenes de Ballet, (...) the relationships between people and nature, including their own, are much simpler, almost more difficult. (...) It is simply enchanting to watch the 25 dancers of the ensemble at work, who have internalised Goecke's very personal hand and foot work. The members of the Nuremberg State Theatre company are just so good that they can do something as extremely different as Goecke's choreographies in a completely convincing way before they enter into Montero's whirls, eddies and elegant and violent movements."

Frank Piontek, Kulturbrief


"The formative expressive power that Goyo Montero developed during his 16 years in Nuremberg remains intact in his farewell round. The stylistically appealing Stravinsky double is the proof."

Andreas Radlmaier, curt


„‚Strawinsky‘ montiert Goeckes ‚Scènes de ballet‘ und Monteros ‚Feuervogel‘ hintereinander – ein großartiges Diptychon, das Vergangenes an die Gegenwart koppelt. (…) Meisterlich legt Goecke das martialische Unterfutter der Komposition frei. Statt muntere Notenläufe mit filigranen Sprüngen zu illustrieren, kreiseln die Tänzer wie irrwitzige Geschosse um die eigene Achse. Es droht: die totale Auslöschung. (…) Goyo Monteros ‚Feuervogel‘ spinnt den Faden dieser Apokalypse fort. (…) Monteros robuste bis rabiate Bewegungs-Cluster ergeben ein packendes Tableau, das jede Hoffnung erstickt.“

Dorion Weickmann, tanz, 2/25

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