Staatstheater Nürnberg
Home > House > Artists > Michaela Springer


Mi­chae­la Sprin­ger

Stage / Costume

Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin

Michaela Springer studied set and costume design from 2000 to 2005 at the State Academy of Performing Arts in Stuttgart with Martin Zehetgruber. Before and during her studies she was active as an assistant at Schauspiel Stuttgart and the Aalto Theatre in Essen. Since 2005 she has been a freelance set and costume designer, and among others has designed for the Württembergische Landesbühne Esslingen, the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, the Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden, Dortmund Schauspielhaus, Schlosstheater Moers and the Norwegian Opera in Oslo. Michaela Springer’s first ballet work was for the Stuttgart Ballet in 2005, designing the costumes for Marco Goecke’s “Sweet Sweet Sweet”. There followed the designs for “The Nutcracker” (2006), “Alben” (2008), “Orlando” (2010) und “Black Breath” (2012), all by Marco Goecke. Her successful collaboration with the choreographer in residence of the Stuttgart Ballet was extended to works commissioned from him such as “Der Rest ist Schweigen” (2005) and “Bravo Charlie” (2007) for the Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, “Whiteout” (2008) and “Le spectre de la rose” (2009) for Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, „Deer Vision“ (2014) Ballett Zürich and „Lonesome George“ (2015) for Ballett am Rhein. Michaela Springer also designed costumes for Demis Volpi’s ballets “swish” (2007), “palpable leers” (2008) and “from me to you” (2009) for the “Young Choreographers” of the Noverre Society and also for “Big Blur”, the first work commissioned from Volpi by the Stuttgart Ballet.

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