Staatstheater Nürnberg
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Karen Mes­qui­ta

Karen Mesquita


Karen Mesquita, born in Rio de Janeiro, began her education in 1993 in her hometown in the Grupo Cultural de Dança Ilha. This was followed by studies at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, where she completed her education as a professional dancer. Her first engagements were among others at the CIA Brasileira de Ballet (2008 to 2010) followed by a commitment at the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2012 she was promoted first soloist and in 2016 she became the Prima Ballerina. She has performed in choreographies by Mauro Bigonzetti, Sir Peter Wright, John Cranko, Peter Breuer, Uwe Scholz and others. She interpreted the leading roles e. a. in „Giselle“, „Swan Lake“, „Romeo and Juliet“, „Coppélia“, „Onegin“, „Le Sacre du Printemps“, „Carmina Burana“ and others. From the season 2019/2020 on she is a member of the Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballett.

Photo © Julia Puder

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