Staatstheater Nürnberg
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We’ll think of something!

A day at the Theaterpädagogik PLUS office, shortly before issuing the seasonal programme: “Composer Stefan Johannes Hanke is composing a commissioned piece for the grand organ in the Meistersingerhalle. You have an organ in the music library and a series of workshops, should we plan something together? Yes? Wonderful, I’ll send you a text.” Shortly thereafter, another conversation is heard: “Yes, I called you but I’m in a meeting right now. Hermann Kesten died exactly 125 years ago.

“Precisely, there is a bust of him at the Bismarckschule. We’re planning a scenic reading with the Hermann-Kesten-Gesellschaft. You’re in? Great, so is the Melanchthon-Gymnasium!” Then author Thomas Perle calls:

“Of course we’re going to have a big celebration for the 25th anniversary of the Theatre Youth Club. I hope every age group will participate. How? I’m not sure yet. We’ll think of something! Our children’s and youth ensembles will definitely be a part of it.” Parallel to this, Philipp Roosz is writing up his moderation for the children’s concert. A short time later, he and Sabrina Wierschin are practising a song for the Children’s Opera Choir at the piano. Delia Evers arrives with Janik Goldberger and five rental instruments. Irina Roosz drafts the notes for the weekend for the Junge Staatsphilharmonie. Then it’s off to rehearsals for everybody.

25 years of theatre education are 25 years of life, of constant change, of wonder, of a theatre with and for children, youths and adults that has a strong tie to the city. We’re looking forward to the new season with you.

Anja Sparberg und Team Theaterpädagogik PLUS

Newsletter PLUS (only available in German)

Twice or three times a season we bring teachers and other interested parties up to date on all the facts relating to drastic discounts for school children and our programme of musical theatre and concerts for youngsters. If you would like to receive notifications, please send a short email to: theaterpaedagogik(at)

PLUS Magazine

Cultural formation is writ large in all departments of the Staatstheater “Cultural formation at the Staatstheater Nürnberg”.

Photo © Jutta Missbach

PLUS Newsletter

Registration: theaterpaedagogik(at)

PLUS Contact:

Tel.: +49-(0)911-66069-3037

Musiktheater- und Konzertpädagogik:
Tel.: +49-(0)911-66069-6866

Junge Staatsphilharmonie:
Tel.: +49-(0)911-66069-3038

Staatstheater Nürnberg

PLUS Theaterpädagogik
Richard-Wagner-Platz 2-10
90443 Nürnberg
E-Mail: theaterpaedagogik(a)

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