Staatstheater Nürnberg
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JuStaPhil c Jutta Missbach

Junge Staatsphilharmonie

Who is the Junge Staatsphilharmonie?

The Junge Staatsphilharmonie is the youth orchestra at the Staatstheater Nürnberg. Throughout the entire season, young musicians between the ages of 14 and 19 from the metro area meet at the Staatstheater for rehearsals.

In the midst of rehearsals and concerts, they conceive various concert programmes alongside the Staatsphilharmonie. The Junge Staatsphilharmonie also works closely with a music educator and is supervised by orchestra sponsors from the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg. Together, they form one strong unit.

Long-term documentary on the Staatsphilharmonie

Documentary on the first year of the youth orchestra at the Staatstheater Nürnberg

To the Digitaler Fundus

Who can join?

All adolescents between 14 and 19 who play an orchestra instrument and have been taking music lessons for a while. Particularly gifted musicians can join earlier upon consultation. Members must perform a recital before members of the Staatsphilharmonie and attend all rehearsal weekends.

Founding and objectives

The Staatstheater Nürnberg has been expanding its promotion of musical adolescents at the initiative of Joana Mallwitz and in cooperation with PLUS Theaterpädagogik.

Joana Mallwitz: “The founding of the Staatstheater Nürnberg’s own youth orchestra is our response to a time in which young people had no exposure to art and culture for a long time during a formative phase of their lives. We welcome the members of the Junge Staatsphilharmonie as an integral part of the Staatstheater Nürnberg. Working closely with the musicians of our Staatsphilharmonie, they get access to rehearsals and performances, get to know about theatre and orchestra life behind the scenes, and organically find their own musical home in the coming months.”

The Junge Staatsphilharmonie debuted during the 100th anniversary of the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg in October 2022, under the direction of Joana Mallwitz. In 2023, the Junge Staatsphilharmonie and the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg hosted the Klassik Open Air. GMD Roland Böer has directed the youth orchestra since the last season, and with him the young musicians took over the opera stage in the summer of 2024. The Junge Staatsphilharmonie’s next concert will be held at the Opernhaus on 16 July 2025.

Registration and contact

The recitals are held at the Staatstheater premises on Richard-Wagner-Platz.

Recitals for the 2024/25 season have ended, but it is possible in some circumstances to be moved up on the list. For this reason, you can always get in touch and request to be included in the waiting list.
Regular recitals for the upcoming season will be held in autumn 2025. You can find the (registration form) here.

Please direct any questions to project director Irina Roosz at jungestaatsphilharmonie(a)

Photo © Jutta Missbach

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