Staatstheater Nürnberg
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A Mid­sum­mer Nigh­t's Dream

Gastspiel des TNT theatre and ADG Europe

Samstag, 23.11.2019

19.30 - 22.20 Uhr


Gastspiel midsummernightsdream

in englischer Sprache

This is Shakespeare’s most popular comedy. The story follows the fortunes of a quartet of lover’s who are lured into the forest by fairies who trick them with a magic potion that forces them to fall in love with the first person they see. Sadly the Queen of Fairies herself takes the potion and when a donkey crosses her path she falls in love with the beast. This hilarious comedy explores the madness of love and laughs at human folly. It contains some of the finest poetry that Shakespe-are wrote, slapstick comedy, touching love scenes, mystery and theatrical magic. TNT’s production has been an extraordinary global success, perfor-ming hundreds of times across three continents and even being re-staged in Mandarin. This is Shakespeare that is easy to understand and enjoy, even for an audience whose first language is not English. Specially composed music is woven into the production as is choreography, poetry and above all comedy, led by one of the Bard’s grea-test clowns: Bottom the hopeless amateur actor. In a MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM Shakespeare explores the idea that love is random, that we are in love with ourselves rather than the person we supposedly adore, that the eyes deceive us as to a person’s true worth and the consequences are sometimes tragic but often comic. This is Shake-speare as might have graced the original Globe: funny, direct, visual, musical and appealing to any and every audience.

Dan Wilder
Aimee Hislop
Kyle Taylor
Jessica Atkins
Stephanie Crome
Adrian Carnegie

Termine und Besetzung

November 2019

  • Sa, 23.11.2019, 19.30 Uhr

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