I Am Like You, I Love Apples
by Theresia Walser
Directed by: Jan Philipp Gloger
Wednesday, 27/03/2024
07.30 PM - 08.50 PM

Are they really like us? And do the three ladies really have the same preferences as you and me? Three dictators' wives meet before a press conference. Their biographies are to be prominently filmed. Margot has an oversized bag with her, Imelda misses the bouquets of flowers in the hall and Leila hopes to be played by Nicole Kidman. A simultaneous interpreter, whose opinion is really of no interest to anyone, does his best to mediate between the ladies and, against his will, promotes a contest of the monstrous with fatal consequences. As if they were the nice neighbours next door, the three luminaries chat and argue about binge drinking with Stalin, lewd gestures by Mao and obscene gifts from Fidel Castro. Assassinations, terror and the oppression of their peoples are nonchalantly talked down when it comes to their own innocence and the glorification of past times.
DIGITAL Introduction (in German)
Directed by
Bühne und Kostüme
Dates and cast
Cast on 27/03/2024
Frau Imelda
Frau Margot
Frau Leila
October 2023
November 2023
December 2023
February 2024
March 2024
April 2024
Information on buying Tickets
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Press reviews
Nürnberger Nachrichten/Nürnberger Zeitung
„Von den drei Machtweibchen, die Theresia Walser (…) als exotische Insekten aufgespießt hat, ist Imelda die schrillste und dominanteste. Was natürlich eine Herausforderung für die Konkurrenz ist – und umgehend zum kalten Zickenkrieg führt, den Hausherr Jan Philipp Gloger als Regisseur genüsslich vorführt. (…) Gloger lässt dem Zuschauer in 70 Minuten die reine Freude an der spöttischen Fehde, den offenen Bosheiten, Posen und Eitelkeiten.“
Wolf Ebersberger, Nürnberger Nachrichten
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