Staatstheater Nürnberg
Home > What's On > Archive > 23/24 Season > 23/24 Programme > STORYTELLING CAFÉ: WHO AM I AND WHERE DOES THAT TAKE ME?



Sunday, 12/11/2023

06.00 PM


im Rahmen von Import/Export: Klasse!

Meeting Place Schauspielhaus

ImportExportCafe header

To what extent has our origin shaped our path so far? What opportunities did we have, what obstacles did we face? Everyone who wants to talk about their personal biography in a small circle is invited to this storytelling café, regardless of whether they are children of workers or academics, employed or unemployed, freelancers, wealthy or recipients of social welfare . We are happy about the personal exchange of how our origins have shaped us and to what extent they continue to have an effect or not.
English and Spanish speakers are also welcome, their stories can be translated.

Admission is free, but we ask for registration vielfalt(a)

¿Hasta qué punto nuestro origen ha marcado nuestro camino hasta ahora? ¿Qué oportunidades hemos tenido, a qué resistencias nos hemos enfrentado? A este café están invitados todos los que quieran hablar de su biografía personal en un pequeño círculo, independientemente de que sean hijos de obreros o academicos, empleados o parados, autónomos, ricos o beneficiarios deasistencia social. Nos complace el intercambio personal sobre cómo nos han marcado nuestros orígenes y hasta qué punto siguen teniendo efecto o no.
Personas que hablan inglesa o espanol también son bienvenidas, hay posibilidad de traducer sus historías.

La entrada es gratuita, pero se ruega inscripción en vielfalt(a)

Illustration: Lena Ziyal,

Dates and cast

Information on buying Tickets

Performance sold out on your desired date? Get on our waiting list and we’ll contact you if tickets become available for your chosen day! If ticket sales for your desired date have not yet opened, those on the waiting list will be at the head of the queue. Just tell us which production, date and seats you’re interested in (include alternatives if possible) and we’ll do our best to oblige. Here you can reach our ticket service.

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