The Dam (world premiere)
by David Lindemann
Directed by: Kieran Joel
Saturday, 26/11/2022
07.30 PM - 09.15 PM
followed by a discussion with the audience
Abo K31

Germany. Somewhere in the barren wasteland between the Wiehengebirge and the Teuteburg Forest. Cacti, desert grass, a waterhole. Behind the range of hills, the North German Plain once began. Now there is water. The sea. Held back only by a huge dam. Here, where no one else wants to live, the Ehrlich couple have fulfilled their dream of owning their own home. A modern architectural masterpiece, (withdrawn) elevated civilisation between reeds and poisonous animals. The pressure on the dam, however, is steadily increasing and it is clear: In order for it not to break, someone has to be sacrificed.
David Lindemann's new play is a wonderfully absurd parable of our society and poses the question at what point civilisational progress tips over into its opposite - and whether that hasn't already happened. With the première of "The Dam", Kieran Joel presents his fourth work at the State Theatre and this time deals with the evasion of Western societies from the big questions of the climate crisis.
DIGITAL Introduction (in German)
Directed by
Bühne, Kostüme
Dates and cast
Cast on 26/11/2022
Frau Ehrlich, Architektin
Herr Ehrlich, ihr Mann
Loft, Redakteur:in
Kalk, Fliesenleger:in
LKA, Kriminalpolizei
Porta 1
Porta 2
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Press reviews
V - das Studimagazin
„Man erkennt in der Inszenierung ganz viele wunderbare Anspielungen auf andere popkulturelle Werke. Die (…) Vorstellung ist kurzweilig und regt zum Nachdenken an (…) ein sehenswertes Stück!“
Svenja Plannerer, V - das Studimagazin
„In 100 Minuten vom Konversationsstück zum Action Theatre. (...) Lindemann nutzt ein (…) Albtraum-Szenario in naher Zukunft und eine Gegenwart, in der das Establishment Regeln aufstellt, verwirft und neu ordnet, wie es ihm passt. Llewellyn Reichman und Janning Kahnert spielen das Ehepaar Ehrlich, welches (...) andere nach seiner Pfeife tanzen lässt."
Roland Dippel, Donaukurier
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