Stop me (world premiere)
Directed by: Anna Stiepani
Tuesday, 15/03/2022
08.00 PM
3. Etage
Abo BB4
A young woman drags herself from mini job to mini job. She actually wants to be an actress, but nobody wants to hear the monologue she’s written. A biotechnology graduate has a 9 to 4 job that consists in her looking as busy as possible; it would be too late now to ask someone what her job actually is. And a building contractor is bewildered when a crowd suddenly gathers to protest against his renovation project. Annika Henrich’s clever and comical debut piece shows people juggling isolation and a longing for love, caught between gentrification and the precariat and struggling to find their place in the world.
Directed by
Bühne und Kostüme
Cast on 15/03/2022
A / Stammgast
B / Stammgast
C / Stammgast
Der Sohn / Stammgast
March 2022
April 2022
June 2022
July 2022
Information on buying Tickets
„Stiepani nimmt die etwas fragmentarische Vorlage sicher auf die leichte Schulter und macht daraus ein kurzweiliges Spiel um die Chancen, die man nicht hat und trotzdem nutzt.“
Bernd Noack, Nürnberger Nachrichten
„Spannend, kurzweilig, witzig und zutiefst sehnsuchtsvoll!“
Svenja Plannerer, V-das Studimagazin
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